What Our Residents Are Saying About Us

I love living here. The views are perfect. The location is perfect. The apartment is perfect. I wake up grateful to be here every single day.

So far so good. No major complaints. It’s nice and quiet. Minor hiccups every now and then but nothing to complain about. I’m hoping it stays quiet too. lol

Felicia Nicole

So far, I really like it, the community is kept clean, the common areas are beautiful and my apartment is practical, the few maintenance requests I have had they have been responded quickly!

Review for

One of the most beautiful views to live on the lake with most gorgeous amenities! Incredibly friendly and welcoming staff ! We have awesome community events and the community is still growing

Absolutely love my community! I enjoy how secure the complex is. The amenities, community events, and views are just a plus. And of course the staff have been helpful and friendly!

Jamesha Latrell

This has been my favorite apartment complex that I have lived in. The staff is so friendly and helpful concerning any possible need that I could have. The maintenance crew always acts quickly and to a high standard. The amenities they provide are always kept in great condition. And the unit itself, being brand new, has more of a home-feel to it.

Devin Tyler

This has been an amazing journey living here. The staff is amazing, the amenities are always neat and clean. I enjoy the lake for sure. The ambience gives resort vibes.

Verified Resident

Everyone has been great, quick to respond and help with any issues or concerns I would recommend to anyone to give them a try. Amenities are awesome as well.

Michael Shawn

The staff is amazing and the location is perfect! I love living here in this community. There are so many different activities and communities events that are offered each month!

Everyone is very kind and helpful. Felt very safe during my the move in process and look forward to using all the amenities and enjoying the great views.

Jake Antonio
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Each resident review is provided by a current or former resident of the apartment community. Neither Modern Message nor the residential apartment community control the content of the reviews provided. All participating residents receive an equal number of rewards points within the Community Rewards platform in exchange for posting a review.